Hey Girlies and gents, yes hello it’s your girl Aflo …. Ally Floth …. No it’s not “Sloth”, or “Froth” … It’s me, Aka as some people from high school have called me: “the girl who thinks she’s a photographer because she has a nice camera” …  yes its me HAHAHA. I’m here to try and convince you that i kind of think i know what i'm doing, and maybe even show you why i like to think “i’m a photographer” LOL.

Lets see where should I begin … hmm.

Does anyone else feel that one day something huge is gonna happen to them? I just have this crazy feeling that i’m here on this earth for this kinda stuff. Like talking and thinking about it truly makes me feel some typa way that I can’t even explain … like i just have this gut feeling i’m gonna make it big if I try hard enough. And so that’s what i’m out here tryna do. People always ask me “How did you get into photography in the first place???” and seriously thats such a good question. Like when I really think about it, there’s not really a short answer LOL. Theres no other answer other than this.

I’ve always been such a firm believer in the saying: “everything happens for a reason”. Like if you really think about it, every single thing you have ever done and every choice you have ever made has led you up to where you are right now. Literally every choice you have made in your whole life has lead you to reading this lame introduction about me. You are probably so confused what tf this has to do with photography, but give me a sec. Buckle your seatbelts …

Ok so here's how it all started … Sometime in the spring of 2017 …. At this point i’m using my T3i with a starter lens that i’ve had since 2014, and i rarely use my camera for taking pictures with friends at social events, nothing serious really. I'm just chillin, pullin up at a team party. i'm thinking the strap is around my neck, so i get out of the car. Everything's fine, i get out. Then, boom. It's not actually around my neck. I drop my camera. Flat on the concrete. The lens breaks. Great! Lovely! Im bawling, my heart is broken. You see, what i didn't realize that day was that what had just happened was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. The single most influential thing that’s ever occured in my life had just occurred and i had no idea at all.

So what do i do now? My camera is ruined. Im so effing sad. I don’t have a job to get money to repair it nor do i have any idea where or how to get it repaired. Time goes on. I start researching camera related things to find a replacement, and one day i come across Jessica whitaker’s youtube channel. I am instantly inspired as heck. I start to learn more about cameras and lightroom and all sorts of camera related things i never even knew existed. She talks about this amazing lens, the “50mm” and i'm like dang. That thing seems legit. Imma get it. So I collect all the birthday/christmas money I have, and I get it. Summer comes around, and i’m starting to take portraits of my friends ( @ Kenny, Mere, and Chloe if you're reading this i love u thx for being my first real test subjects LOL) with this magical new lens i have. I learn how to shoot in manual, and how to change my aperture, i’m learning something new every day, and the game CHANGES. I’m shocking myself, and people around me. I’m doing something i didn't even know i was capable of, and dang it’s freakin fun as heck.

School comes, things in my personal life are getting so hard. I begin to lose people and it hurts. I go through so much emotional pain, my life completely changes, and i think my life is literally being ruined right before my eyes. Once again, I hardly pay attention to the fact that i’ve been in this situation before. What i think is the worst time of my life begins to create this new start to me, a side of me that doesn’t care what anyone thinks. I start to dress as artsy as I want, and I do more of what I like. I begin to focus on myself, and i start focusing on my art and photography, which i never had the confidence to do previously because i cared so much about what the people around me thought of me. I learn so much from the internet, and i start to really get the hang of things. I start charging, making what was at first something just for fun into a job for me. I get a new camera, and my 35mm, and i learn to shoot in RAW.  My eyes are opened to the fact that THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE. I get to get paid for something i freaking love, all because one day i dropped my camera on concrete.

Ok if you’re still reading thank you. So yeah now I’m here LOL.

Anyways …. Lets learn more about me and what I’m into ...

Lets see … I’ve played soccer since as far back as i can remember, I plan to play in college and get a degree, a job, and the dream is to be a wedding/engagement photographer. Don’t know how i’m gonna get there, but imma get there somehow. I’m trying to get all the experience i can get.

I’m really into alternative music, (follow me on spotify @ allyson maisan). Some of my favorite artists include St.Lucia, Hector Gachan, Alvvays, Cuco, Sports, Tv Girl, Etc… I could literally go on for hours so follow me if you’re real!

I live religiously by the color yellow. Yellow is the superior color. That’s all i have to say. Don't test me.

I’m a firm believer in that its more than just pushing a button! It’s all in the editing people!!!

I think not caring what anyone thinks about you is the single most important trait anyone can have. I try my best to do what I like, for ME, not anyone else. Life’s more fun that way.

I consider photography as my job, but my friends know that i am also part time comedian. i love doing the stupidest things to have a good time LOL.

My middle name is spelled wrong on my birth certificate… yep i’m not kidding, ask me about it next time you see me.

I value friendships more than anything. I think having good relationships with people is seriously one of the most important things ever. You can learn so much from someone just from being their friend. Photography has led me to meeting so many amazing people and it’s brought me so many friendships that truly mean a lot to me <3

With that being said, now that u know all about me, I wanna know about you!  let’s be friends dude. Literally just text me or e-mail me, DM me on insta whatever ur feelin. I would love to meetcha !!! Whether it’s photography related and you wanna shoot, or if you just think we could be buds, reach out to me! LET’S BE PALS :D

Do you consider me a photographer yet? LOLLL. Anyways, i hope to meet you soon!



@allyfloth on Instagram

@aflophoto on Instagram

Proverbs 29:25